Friday, 7 June 2019

CLIMATE CHANGE - Why the CO2 'Theory' Fails

Why the CO2 'Theory' Fails

Man made Carbon Emissions  are totally irrelevant , Termites produce 10 times more Carbon than all human activity does. Talk about repeating a lie till its accepted as fact.Carbon emissions have no impact on the climate whatsover, levels in the atmosphere of Carbon Dioxide being 0.04% , rise and fall is because of temperature changes caused by changes in the SUNS activity the CO2 being emitted by the greatest emitter the Oceans.
CO2 level changes in the atmosphere  LAG temperature change.
Why the CO2 'Theory' Fails
 1. FACT. There is no evidence for the CO2 climate driver proposition in the real world using real data over hundreds of thousands of years. World temperatures do not follow CO2. 
The world is not warming and has not been doing so for 18 years. Even under fraudulent UN-MetO-NOAA manipulated data the world is not warming. ALL the alarmist predictions of CO2 warmism have failed.
See and links in Article about BBC-MetO charlatan John Hammond's Science Denialist claims, in WeatherAction blog (sec3) 
FACT  Changing CO2 has no effect EVEN the Models used by the Met Office and UN's Climate Committee (the IPCC) show CO2 levels have no effect on the Jet Stream or extremes which come from the Wild Jet stream changes which they fail to predict.  It is meteorological fact that the recent very wild weather extremes and contrasts follow from wild Jet Stream behavior. THAT Wild Jet Stream (Mini-Ice-Age) behavior was and is regularly predicted by Piers Corbyn's Solar-Lunar approach and is nothing to do with CO2. See & Piers' video The claim that these extremes are driven by CO2 / man made Climate Change is a lie for which there is no evidence or scientific paper which demonstrates a link in the real world.
 "The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key that will unlock the New World Order"
Mikael Gorbachev 1996.
"It doesn't matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true"
Paul Watson, Co-Founder of Greenpeace.
"Unless we announce disasters no one will listen."
Sir John Houghton,First Chairman of IPCC.
"No matter if the science of Global warming is all phony... Climate change provides the biggest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world."
Christine Stewart ,former Canadian Minister for the Environment. 
Its NWO political BS. to manipulate the SHEEPLE same as so much else thrown at us, you can soon spot it ,they are really quite amateurish once you realise what they are trying to do.

Justice and Equality = Our Slavery.

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